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The Country :
New Zealand is a beautiful country situated to South Pacific Ocean, 1,600 km east of Australia. Made up of North and South Islands - and a number of smaller ones - totaling 271,000 sq.km. Population is 4 million Approx. The people are friendly and welcoming towards visitors  
Geography & Climate :

The climate is temperate, moderated by the oceans which surround it. It has one of the best climates in the world for plant growth. It has a reputation for being clean and green. It has one of the best sceneries and beautiful locations lakes flora and fauna. A good highway system makes the country easily accessible. The North Island has geothermal springs, geysers and an active volcano.    

Currency :
The official currency of New Zealand is dollar. The symbol is NZ $   

Education :  
Students visitors who want to enjoy their stay feel safe, and be able to make progress in their education. They make friends easily Most places have information centers where people can easily get information about the institutions.    

Major Cities :  

The capital of new Zealand is Wellington. The major cities of New Zealand Auckland, Hamilton, Palmerston, North Wellington, Christ Church, Wangaru, Dunedin, Rotorua are some popular ones.    

People & Culture :
They are relaxed and informal and like to call u by your first name. New Zealand is a trading nation. New Zealand shows a great cultural diversity. The arts , crafts, drama and music are flourishing. New Zealand is a beautiful and sparsely populated multicultural nation. Most New Zealanders are of British or European descent, with approximately 18% of the population having Maori or Pacific Island origins. There are also large numbers of other nationalities in New Zealand and recently, increasing numbers of people from Asian countries have taken up residence in New Zealand.  
Sports & Recreation :     

The best known sports are rugby and cricket, yachting, golf,  with netball, badminton, squash, skiing, tennis, basketball, athletics, soccer, hockey are also very popular. The recreations are Bungee Jumping, Jet boating, white water rafting, heli skiing snow boarding, trail bike riding, gardening, rock/mountain climbing etc.