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We are Foreign Admission Established in year 2005 with the sole purpose of helping students to achieve their education goal with maximum ease, we are a global leader in career counselling services. Along with the excitement of change, education to a new country can sometimes be a daunting process, filled with challenges. We seek to minimize these challenges, particularly the confusion and frustration that is often associated with the application process. Our goal is to allow you the freedom to focus on the excitement of education to another country.
Our services extend right around the world - with providing educational services for entry to Australia, Canada, UK, USA, New Zealand, Singapore and Europe.
We provide a wide range of services for many types and categories. Our global eduacational services are specifically tailored to assist you in traveling or migrating to another country. Our qualified career counsellor are ready and willing to provide you with valuable education advice. Currently, we offer advice to those who wish study Master, Bachelor, PG, Diploma and Ad. Diploma degree to Australia, Canada, UK, USA, New Zealand, Singapore and Europe.
Over the years, we have assisted thousands of satisfied clients with their student applications. We have helped our clients to make their foreign study goal in a reality. To read more about what some of our clients have said about their experiences, please feel free to take the time to review our client Testimonials.
The Chair of Director.....     
Foreign Admission is a global company offering and assisting students to choose right course, right university, and right country for better career. Foreign Admission Managing Director, Mr. Jay Acharya, is one of the most respected and experienced figures in international education sector.